Three Ways to Use Amazon to Your Advantage

When you use Amazon to your advantage, you can increase exposure and sales on a successful marketplace, while still maintaining your own website and personal relationships with your customers.

There are at least three reasons your products need to be on Amazon.

But you don’t have to put all of your eggs in the Amazon basket. Here are three ways you can tailor your approach better for your company.

Single Category

Your business has 15 different branded products in the same category. We recommend you start by listing a few products with FBA (at a slightly higher price than the company site) and allow the consumer to find out more about the product line by referring to the packaging.

Best Price

Your company has the lowest price or the best variety of a single product. You should list on FBA and pursue winning the “buy box.” Use sponsored ads to appear in conjunction with the competition.


Your product is a specialty or niche item that cannot compete on price. We suggest you list on FBA at a higher price than the company site and make sure to enrich the product listing and seller profile to show off the company. You could also list as merchant-fulfilled at a lower price than FBA with different shipping options.


Sprocket Express Helps You Reach Amazon without a Headache

We can help you save time setting up an Amazon shop. Sprocket Express has ample experience with most marketplaces including Amazon and we are prepared to label and ship your packages in compliance with Amazon requirements.


Reach More Customers for Less Money

There are a lot of fees associated with storing inventory in multiple locations. But you combine storage with a local warehouse you can meet the personnel, see your goods on the shelves, and still ship cases to Amazon for FBA.

Amazon fees for storage can add up in the long run. They charge for longterm storage and, when you’re just starting out, it’s best to ship a case or two at a time to minimize your fees as your build volume. Using a fulfillment house like Sprocket Express allows you to ship just enough to FBA. At the same time, you can use the fulfillment center to ship all of the orders from your own site. Plus, they can handle any other market you throw at them.